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anita mraković
5 min read
What are prejudices and why are they so difficult to recognise?
Are we truly unbiased? Many people consider themselves objective until they realize they have prejudices. An external perspective can help

Yasin Ali Mohammed
2 min read
Navigating Midlife: Challenges and Opportunities
Our path holds unique experiences and trials. Time between 35-42 a mixture of responsibility, personal growth and social expectations

anita mraković
0 min read
Stoicism in a Diverse World: Crisis Management and Lifestyle in the VUCA Era
The diversity of the world, the challenges of crises and living in today's VUCA times.

anita mraković
3 min read
Diversity and Synergies
In nature, the fascinating power of diversity and synergy is revealed, shaping not only the variety of species but also the thriving...

anita mraković
3 min read
"It takes courage to live"... and for VUCA - compass or guard rails?
If it takes courage to live, what does it take in a VUCA world? A compass or guide posts, both or something else entirely?

anita mraković
2 min read
Learning organisation according to Peter Senge
How do systems interlock? Does evolution start from within? Using leverage and identifying inhibitors. LO challenge.

anita mraković
1 min read
How can inclusion be developed and lived?
Inclusion through an inclusive work environment, accessibility, technologies, awareness raising, tailored support, laws...

anita mraković
1 min read
Inclusion? What is it?
Inclusion is not just about creating a sense of belonging, but ensuring that everyone has a chance to participate and succeed.
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